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4 Air Compressor Problems: A Complete Troubleshooting Guide

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Blog about 4 Air Compressor Problems: A Complete Troubleshooting Guide

Air compressors are fantastic, dynamic machines that can perform many useful functions. 

They can power air tools, pump up tires and other inflatables, power car painters, and much more. 

But, like any machine, they are prone to problems from wear and tear. 

Here at Air Power Equipment Company, we’ve identified BLANK common air compressor problems, what they mean, and how to give them a quick fix if possible. 

As always, don’t hesitate to visit our website or give us a call if you need additional assistance. And if you’re interested in air compressors, we’re the place to look for them! We offer a wide range of small, large, stationary, and portable compressors to meet your needs! 


Air Compressor Problems InspectionAir Intake Air Compressor Problems

An air compressor pulls in air and builds up air pressure from its air intake valve. But sometimes, air can push back out of the valve, preventing the compressor from building pressure. 

You can tell this happens if the compressor takes longer than usual to build pressure or you feel the air pushing out of the intake valve. 

This issue can be pretty serious. It can overwork the compressor, causing overheating and early-onset wear and tear. When this happens, you know you have air compressor problems.

When this problem happens, it means your intake valve is broken or nearly broken. 

The Solution 

Do a quick search for spare parts. You’ll save some money if you can find spare parts online. 

Then, remove the pump and replace the intake valve with your new parts. 

Make sure you seal the parts together well to prevent air leaks. If you suspect an air leak, put some soap around the suspected area. Bubbles will appear where leaks are. 

It’s quite a simple fix and doesn’t require breaking down the entire compressor, just a specific part of it. 

Power Switch Issues

This problem is an easy one to spot. If your air compressor isn’t turning on, you know there’s something wrong and you have air compressor problems. 

Of course, there can be other reasons your compressor isn’t starting. 

To rule out some other potential problem causers, ensure you’re plugged into an outlet that works and drain your compressor of air. 

Then, you need a multimeter check. First, unplug the compressor, and remove the panel where the power switch is. Next, plug the compressor into a reliable power source and use the multimeter probe to check if power reaches the switch (or if there isn’t a broken wire). 

Then, check if power reaches the motor side across the switch. If you aren’t receiving power, then your switch is broken. 

The Solution

Buy a replacement switch. They are relatively cheap and easy to find. In addition, many switches are compatible across multiple types of compressors. 

Excessive Oil Issues

There are four common reasons why your compressor is experiencing oil carryover issues. 

Oil issues can cause: 

  • Rapid heat buildup 
  • Oil droplets in the air 
  • Early damage to parts 

1. Separator Filter Malfunction 

Your compressor’s separator filter stops oil and air from combining in the compressor tank. Oil is necessary for lubrication and heat absorption. 

When the filter breaks or becomes too permeated with oil over time, leaks occur, and air and oil mix. 

The Solution

Replacing your separator filter is the best way to fix this problem. 

2. Low Oil Levels 

The oil absorbs heat in the compressor. But the less oil there is, the faster the oil heats up. 

The Solution

Make sure you have plenty of oil! Check regularly, especially before and after usage. 

3. Clogged Oil Return Line

An oil return line cycles oil back through the compressor. Sometimes, it can clog from dirt or other particles. 

A clogged oil return line prevents oil cycling. 

The air compressor problem’s Solution 

Visit an air compressor service store. They’ll clean the oil return line for you. 

4. Too Much Oil

Too little oil can be a problem, but too much oil can also be a problem. You need enough room for air and oil in your compressor. Too much oil prevents ample air from entering. 

Too little air intake results in oil carryover into the discharge pipe. Your compressor can’t reuse this oil, so you end up wasting oil. Refilling oil can get expensive, so don’t overfill! 

Air Compressor Problems VibrationVibration Problems 

An air compressor vibrates quite a bit when it fills up with air. It could loosen parts or break them outright if it vibrates too much. 

Some parts of an air compressor are designed to reduce vibration, but they are susceptible to damage. 

Here are some different reasons why your compressor may have vibration problems: 

1. Mounting Bolts

If you have a fixed air compressor, like one mounted to a wall in your garage or maybe on the floor, it’s likely secured by mounting bolts. 

Loose Mounting Bolts

If they are loose, which can happen over time, the compressor will have more room to vibrate. Even if one bolt is loose, it will cause more vibration. 

The Solution

Tighten the bolts! You may have to do this every now and then. Make it a part of your regular maintenance routine. 

Uneven Mounting Bolts

If a bolt was screwed in unevenly, then it won’t have a proper attachment to the stable ground. 

The Solution

If you notice a bolt is uneven, unscrew the uneven bolt all the way, then screw it back in correctly. Have someone or something hold the compressor in place while the bolt is out to ensure it doesn’t fall. 

Loose or Uneven Surface

Attaching your air compressor to a wall is usually a good idea. But if the wall is thin and moves around easily, it won’t make a suitable mounting place for your compressor. 

The Solution

Consider where you have your compressor installed. You may have to move it if the surface isn’t stable enough. If it’s a fixed one, your compressor needs a tight, complete seal on whatever even, stable surface it’s attached to. 

Rusty Mounting Brackets

Rust weakens the structural integrity of the metal brackets. Rust can also spread to other parts of the compressor. Mounting brackets are easily replaceable, so replace them if they’re rusty before it spreads. 

2. Crankshaft

A crankshaft helps bring air into the compressor. Since it moves around in a circular motion, it is prone to vibrations. 

A Bent Crankshaft

A bent crankshaft puts the compressor off balance. An off-balance compressor vibrates more than normal. Remove the compressor’s encasement to see if the crankshaft is bent. If so, it needs replacing. 

A Rusty Crankshaft

Rust often grinds up against metal, causing vibrations and the deterioration of parts. Unfortunately, if rust has reached your crankshaft, it will likely spread to other, more integral parts of the compressor. As a result, you may need an all-out replacement. 

3. Belts

Belts, much like an engine belt in a car, are critical to the overall function of the compressor. 

Tight Belt

A tight belt can put too much tension on the internal parts of the compressor. If belt tightness is an issue, then the belt is too short. Simply swapping out for a longer belt will solve the problem. 

Loose Belt

Conversely, a loose belt allows the parts to move around too much. Swap for a shorter belt to fix this problem. New compressors don’t usually have belt issues since they come straight from the factory. 

Used compressors, where someone may have swapped with an off-fitting belt, are typically where belt issues come up. 

In conclusion 

Here at Air Power Equipment Company, we hope to have given you clarity about some common issues with air compressors, what they mean, and how to fix them. If you have any questions or an issue we didn’t address, feel free to give us a call or visit our website!


Air Power Equipment Company in Oklahoma City (OKC), is the leading source for new air compressor sales and used air compressor sales throughout the country. We specialize in rotary screw air compressor sales and reciprocal air compressor sales. Air Power Equipment Company is also the best source for air compressor service and air compressor parts in Oklahoma.  If you are looking for new air compressors, used air compressors, air compressor parts, or air compressor problems call Air Power Equipment Company OKC. We are experts with all brands of air compressor equipment and we are a stocking distributor of air compressor brands like FS Curtis Air Compressors, Champion Air Compressors, Campbell Hausfeld Air Compressors, Kellogg Air Compressors, American Air Compressors, Quincy Compressor and many more. Call us at (405) 445-1216 – we have what you need, and at the best price you will find.

Tips For Buying A Used Air Compressor

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Image of compressor with overlaying text: tips for buying a use air compressor

An air compressor can be quite an investment. Of course, smaller ones are more affordable, but you sacrifice a lot of power and endurance with a smaller compressor.

But new, large compressors can cost upwards of ten thousand dollars. While a compressor is undoubtedly a valuable tool, that price point can be a bit too high for some.

Good news! Used air compressors are much more affordable than brand new ones and, if you buy right, will work just as well and last just as long. An air compressor, if used correctly, should last for a long time, which makes buying a used one worth it.

But similar to buying a used car, there are some essential things to look out for. 

Here at Air Power Equipment Company, we’ve identified some tips for buying a used air compressor and some things to look out for. As always, if you ever need help with an air compressor or are looking to purchase one, give our experts a call or visit our website!


A used air compressor on a pallet.

Air Power Electric Company’s Tips for Buying an Air Compressor

Do an overall check.

Before you buy, examine the air compressor in its entirety. Check if it works and if it builds pressure normally. Ask the previous owner how often they used it. If the owner has any manuals or paperwork that provides insight on the compressors manufacturing details, ask for that as well. 

Completing an overall check is crucial. Repairs on air compressors may cost more than the compressor itself.

Understand your needs.

Air compressors come in different sizes and capacities to satisfy different needs. 

If you want an air compressor to pump up bike tires and basketballs, opt for a small, perhaps portable compressor. If you need to power air tools or use a paint spray gun in an auto body shop, get one that’s large and maybe even attachable to a wall.

How do you want to power your compressor?

Air compressors are powered mainly by either gas, diesel, or electricity. Gas or diesel air compressors tend to be more mobile than eclectic-powered ones. Electric-powered ones need to be close to an outlet or power source, though an extension cord helps. 

Gas or diesel air compressors have more moving parts, which means more parts can break or become faulty. However, they are more powerful than their electric counterparts. Be mindful, though. Gas or diesel compressors need ample space for good ventilation.

Check for leaks. 

Check gas or diesel compressors for oil or fuel leaks. A leak of any fluid, big or small, can be highly hazardous.

Determine if you need a fixed compressor or a portable compressor.

Fixed compressors are typically attached to a wall. Use this kind if you plan to use your compressor very frequently. Make sure it is fixed in a place where hot air ventilates.

If your application for an air compressor requires you to move around, opt for a portable one. These compressors are lightweight. There are larger compressors that are movable, too, but they are much heavier and harder to move.

Determine what noise level you are comfortable with.

Air compressors make noise. This is unavoidable. But, some compressors make less noise than others. For example, oil lubricated compressors usually make less noise than other compressors. 

Oil lubricated compressors are more expensive, however. They are also heavier and require more maintenance than their oil-free air counterparts. But, oil lubricated compressors are longer-lasting. 

Do you want to go big or go small?

Big-tank compressors are better for high-pressure needs because they hold more air and expel air with more pressure.

Small-tank compressors are great for assembly lines and can expel high-pressure air if paired with a strong motor, but the tank’s air will deplete much faster. As a result, you will have to wait for the compressor to refill before using it again.

Check the oil.

If the used compressor you’re looking to buy runs on oil, check which oil the previous owner used. Does it match the quality standards set by the manual, or had the owner skimped and bought cheaper oil?

You should never use an oil below the manual’s standards.


  • Do an overall check
  • Understand your needs
  • Ask Yourself How do you want to power your compressor?
  • Check for leaks
  • Determine if you need a fixed compressor or portable compressor
  • Determine what noise level you are comfortable with
  • Do you want to go big or go small?
  • Check the oil


Should I buy a used air compressor?

Yes! Compared to new air compressors, they are affordable and can work just as well and just as long as new ones if adequately taken care of. Use our tips above to help in your search.

How much compressed air do I need?

Air tools made for portable compressors need 0 to 5 cubic feet per minute at 70 to 90 psi. However, air tools for fixed compressors need more than ten cubic feet per minute and up to 120 psi.

Which compressor is best for a garage?

Air compressors that range from two gallons to twenty gallons should give you what you need.


Air Power Equipment Company in Oklahoma City (OKC), is the leading source for new air compressor sales and used air compressor sales throughout the country. We specialize in rotary screw and reciprocal air compressor sales. Air Power Equipment Company is also the best source for air compressor service and parts in Oklahoma.  If you are looking for new, used, parts, or air compressor service call Air Power Equipment Company OKC. We are experts with all brands of air compressor equipment and we are a stocking distributor of brands like FS Curtis Air Compressors, Champion Air Compressors, Campbell Hausfeld Air Compressors, Kellogg Air Compressors, American Air Compressors, Quincy Compressor and many more. Call us at (405) 445-1216 – we have what you need, and at the best price you will find.

Why is My Air Compressor Not Building Pressure?

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Why is My Air Compressor Not Building Pressure

If your air compressor is not building pressure, don’t panic! Below, we will talk about the different reasons why this could be happening. 

Air compressors are fantastic tools. You can use them in construction, manufacturing, agriculture, and home use. They can fill tires, power supply to an air tool, and much more.

A key component of air compressors is building pressure to force out air. Sometimes, air compressor pumps struggle to build pressure or can’t build pressure at all.

An air compressor not building pressure is a problem that makes the air compressor useless. Therefore, it would be best if you fixed an air compressor not building pressure as fast as possible to resume your work.

Here at Air Power Equipment Co, we’ve identified some reasons why an air compressor runs but doesn’t build pressure and how to fix an air compressor not building pressure safely.




Air Compressor not building pressure schulz 3025 2Broken Intake Valve

With a broken compressor intake valve, your air compressor will still draw air in, but most of it will blow back out from where it came. Your tank will reach a fraction of its capacity when this happens.

How to Fix a Broken Intake Valve

Take out the air intake port filter and feel if any air is blowing back out. If it is, then your intake valve plates are likely broken. 

Your best bet is to visit the compressor repair shop for a remedy. But, first, the compressor must be pieced apart to identify the issue.

Failure in the Pressure Pump Valve 

When the pressure pump valve fails, air will enter the tank on the compression stroke, immediately flowing out of the compressor as it tries to fill with more air. Air flows where there is the least resistance.

Cheaper air compressors have cheaper valves more prone to failure after usage. You can tell your compressor is having pump valve issues when it caps out at a specific pressure lower than it should, despite how long you run it.

How to Fix a Pressure Pump

Like a broken intake valve, the best solution may be to take it into a compressor repair shop. But, first, you must remove the compressor to identify the issue and diagnose a solution correctly.

Broken Compressor Gasket

Gaskets separate the flow of pressurized air and intake air. They break down over time. A broken gasket leads to your compressor not reaching max pressure. 

How to Fix It a Broken Compressor Gasket

The issues caused by a broken compressor gasket are similar to those caused by broken intake valves and failing pressure compressor pump valves. 

Therefore, you may be experiencing a combination of these failures when experiencing air compressor issues. If you have to take apart your compressor to locate the source of the problem, it’s worth replacing all of these parts at the same time if possible.

Failure of the Compressor Piston Seal

A piston seal contains a filter that prevents dust parcels from entering the air compressor. It also has rings that are seals that stop oil from the oil fill tube from dripping into the compressor. 

Old rings can leak air pressure, preventing your compressor from reaching max pressure. 

How to Fix Compressor Piston Seal

Regular maintenance is the best way to prevent this from happening. However, if it goes too long without fixing, metal can grind against metal, and oil can leak into your compressor tank. 

Swap out old rings with new ones at a compressor repair shop, and you’ll be ready to go. Since this repair doesn’t require a complete disassembling of the compressor (that is, if the oil hasn’t leaked into the tank or if the metal hasn’t come in contact with other metal), you should be able to do this repair yourself if you have enough experience. 

However, Air Power Equipment Co recommends visiting a compressor repair shop to get the best results.

Broken Check Valve

A check valve stops compressed air from flowing back into the pump. If your tank reaches high pressure with a broken check valve, it might automatically shut off. 

The valve pressure switch should cut out pressure when max pressure is reached while running. However, it should not be releasing air if max pressure is not reached.

How to Fix a Broken Check Valve

If air leaks out of the unloader valve when the compressor is turned off, you have a faulty check valve. With an hour of labor and an ordered part, you can repair this type of issue by yourself if you have experience.

Air compressor pressure pumpsWays to Regularly Maintain your Compressor to Prevent these Issues

  1. Check Your Filters

    Keep your filters clean. Inspect for debris and dust buildup. Replace filters as recommended or as you see necessary.

  2. Do A Pump Test

    This will show you how long your compressor takes to reach maximum pressure. First, empty your tank and measure how long it takes to reach the needed PSI. Different compressors have different maximum pressures, so refer to your owner’s manual to know what yours is.

  3. Examine Belts

    Some compressors have a belt drive, much like a car. An old belt could be the reason why you have low pressure. However, an old or damaged belt could also make noise, adding to the already loud sounds produced by an air compressor.

In conclusion

As we laid out, there are many ways that your air compressor can break or fail, leading to low air pressure. 

The good thing is many of these issues are related or happen concurrently. This means a single visit to a repair shop can solve the problem and reduce the likelihood of it happening again in the immediate future.

And you can solve some issues at home with the right tools and expertise.

If you need an air compressor repair or need advice on fixing it yourself, call Air Power Equipment Co today. We have a team of experienced professionals who will be happy to help you.


Air Power Equipment Company in Oklahoma City (OKC), is the leading source for new air compressor sales and used air compressor sales throughout the country. We specialize in rotary screw air compressor sales and reciprocal air compressor sales. Air Power Equipment Company is also the best source for air compressor service and air compressor parts in Oklahoma.  If you are looking for new air compressors, used air compressors, air compressor parts, or air compressor service call Air Power Equipment Company OKC. We are experts with all brands of air compressor equipment and we are a stocking distributor of air compressor brands like FS Curtis Air Compressors, Champion Air Compressors, Campbell Hausfeld Air Compressors, Kellogg Air Compressors, American Air Compressors, Quincy Compressor and many more. Call us at (405) 445-1216 – we have what you need, and at the best price you will find.

The Best Air Compressor for Your Home Garage in Oklahoma

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Blog for air compressors for your home garage.


When looking for the best air compressor for your home garage in Oklahoma, it is important to understand what you are investing in. You can use air compressors for all kinds of things, and they also power many tools you can use in your household.

An air compressor is a pneumatic device that increases air pressure by decreasing the volume of the space. It increases pressure on air and then pumps it from a tank into a tube. But air compressors come in many different shapes and sizes. Some are as large as a storage shed, while others fit in a briefcase. Of course, the smaller the air compressor, the less power. But each serves a unique function, and some situations may be better suited for a smaller one. However, your home is a different story. An air compressor for your home can be an incredibly valuable and versatile tool to help you perform many different tasks and jobs when it comes to home air compressors; some a simply better than others.

Here at Air Power Equipment Co., we have found answers to some of your most pressing questions about which air compressor you need for your home or if you even need one at all.



What Can I do With Air Compressor?

You can use an air compressor in many ways for your home. The most common use is to inflate tires. You can use an air compressor to inflate car tires, bike tires, or even balloons and inflatables.You can also use it to run a power washer. So instead of spending upwards of $500 for a power washing job, you will be able to do it yourself. The air compressor uses pressurized air to pump water.

Additionally, an air compressor can power tools like drills, sanders, or nail guns for DIY projects or home construction. Typical power tools are electrically powered and come with their own motor. These tools are usually more expensive than their airpower tool counterparts, which leave out a motor in exchange for an air compressor connection.

5 Uses for Air Compressors

  • Inflating
  • Spray Painting
  • Power Washing
  • Powering Pneumatic tools
  • Cleaning

Why do You Need an Air Compressor at Home?

Based on the functions mentioned above, the answer to this seems straightforward. It would be best to have an air compressor for your home because it makes life easier.

You’ll be able to do many things yourself and with fewer tools to do so. In addition, since an air compressor is so versatile, it can be used in place of many different things. This gives you more space in your home and saves you money from buying excess tools.

Where Should I put my Home Air Compressor?

Your garage is a great place to put your home’s air compressor. The best uses for an air compressor (pumping tires, using power tools, and running a power washer) mainly occur in the garage. However, if you have a portable air compressor with wheels, you can take it with you whenever and wherever you need it. It is worth noting that it is important to think about where you use the compressor. Depending on the power supply tyipe you will need to be in a well ventilated area. Regardless, you’d probably want to keep it in the garage when it’s not in use.

Different sized air compressorsWhat Size Air Compressor Should I Buy?

Air Power Equipment OKC recommends a larger air compressor for your home than you would think. More times than not a larger air compressor will require less mantintnace and save you money in the long run. Most smaller compressors can be efficient but not without the sacrifice of having an engine with a high turnover speed which will decrease the life of your compressor. Larger Air compressors for your home garage A larger tank is suited for projects that require constant airflow. Additionally, a larger tank holds more air and puts air out at a higher pressure. You’ll have to stop working every few minutes or so to let a smaller air compressor refill with air. When it comes to compressors for your home, tank size is one of the most crucial factors. You likely won’t need anything heavy-duty or industrial-grade, but a compressor with a ten-gallon tank is a solid choice.

Should I Consider a Mini-Compressor over an Air Compressor for Home Garage?

Sure! Mini compressors are great for small jobs or when you need air for a short amount of time. We’d recommend having a mini compressor in addition to a larger one. A large compressor can do everything a mini can, but a mini can’t do everything a large compressor can.

Are Portable Air Compressors Worth it?

These are also great options! Portable compressors can vary, with some being large and on wheels, while others are small and can fit in a backpack. A small, portable air compressor is excellent to have in the back of your car in case of unexpected low tire pressure. A larger one on wheels is great for taking to job sites or if an at-home project takes place outside of a garage’s range.

How are air compressors powered?

There are two common ways that air compressors are powered. One is gasoline or diesel, and the other is electricity. Fuel-powered compressors are more powerful and can work when electricity is out.

However, fuel-powered compressors are heavy, more costly to keep running, and loud. On the other hand, an electric-powered compressor is less powerful and can only work if the electricity is on. However, they are cheaper to keep on and much quieter than gas-powered and are significantly lighter.

How much do Air Compressors Cost?

Air compressors have a wide range of prices. Some are under a thousand dollars while others are upwards of $40,000. For home usage, an air compressor gets excellent value from operating power tools. Air-powered tools are more powerful and use fewer parts, so typically they last longer. This means that, for serious home projects, air tools will help you get the job done faster, and they will last longer, saving you money from potential replacements.

When purchasing an air compressor, it is essential to remember lifespan. If you make an initial investment in high quality, then it will save you money in many ways in the future.

So, which is the best air compressor for your home garage in Oklahoma?

The best air compressor for home garage depends on several critical factors, including:

  • What do you plan to use it for
  • What available space do you have in your home garage
  • Is noise an issue?
  • Do you have reliable access to electricity?
  • What’s your price range?

The Best Air Compressors for your Home Garage

5. Champion VRV5-8 RV Series, 5HP Two-Stage 80 Gallon Vertical Reciprocating Air Compressor Unit

Overview: Delivers industrial-rated dependability at an affordable price with maximum installation versatility. 

Features: Champion VRV5-8 RV Series, 5HP Two-Stage 80 Gallon Vertical Reciprocating Air Compressor Unit

    •  Durable cast-iron construction 
    •  Industrial-grade filter 
    •  Silencer 
    •  Motor starter included 
    •  Automatic start/stop operation Specs: 
    •  Weight: 570 lbs. 
    •  2-year limited warranty 
    •  16.5 CFM at 175 psi 
    •  L: 35.3” – W: 30.9” – H: 74.8” 

Price: $2,776 

4. Champion VR5-8 5HP Two-Stage 80 Gallon Vertical Air Compressor Unit

Overview: Delivers high performance, long life, and tremendous value. It can withstand years of personal and industrial use. 

Features: Champion VR5-8 5HP Two-Stage 80 Gallon Vertical Air Compressor Unit

  •  Disc valves 
  •  Motor starter included 
  •  Gasket-less design 
  •  Intercoolers 
  •  Loadless starting 
  • Specs: 
  •  Weight: 530 lbs. 
  •  3-year limited warranty 
  •  17.3 CFM at 175 psi 
  •  L:33”-W:265/8”-H:76” 

Price: $3,218 

3. Champion L18RS Variable Speed Rotary Screw Compressor 

Overview: A world-class small compressor with an integrated aired design that eliminates unnecessary piping while reducing opportunities for leaks. 

  • Features: Champion L18RS Variable Speed Rotary Screw Compressor
  •  TEFC main motors 
  •  Allen Bradley inverter drives 
  •  Pilot microprocessor controllers 
  •  Quiet enclosures 

Compact design Specs: 

  •  Weight: 840 lbs. 
  •  7 to 14-day lead time 
  •  107.8 CFM at 110 psi 
  •  L:31”-W:28”-H:47” 

Price: Contact us for pricing information. 

2. Champion VRV7-8 RV Series 7.5HP Two-Stage 80 Gallon Vertical Air Compressor Unit  

Overview: Delivers industrial-rated dependability at an affordable price with maximum installation versatility. 

Features: Champion VRV7-8 RV Series 7.5HP Two-Stage 80 Gallon Vertical Air Compressor Unit

  •  Durable cast-iron construction 
  •  Industrial-grade filter 
  •  Silencer 
  •  Motor starter included 
  •  Automatic start/stop operation Specs: 
  •  Weight: 710 lbs. 
  •  2-year limited warranty 
  •  24 CFM at 175 psi 
  •  L: 40.8” – W: 31.6” H: 74.8” 

Price: $3,205 

1. Champion VR5-6, 5HP Two-Stage 60-Gallon Vertical Air Compressor Unit  

Overview: Delivers high performance, long life, and tremendous value. It can withstand years of personal and industrial use. 

Features: Champion VR5-6, 5HP Two-Stage 60-Gallon Vertical Air Compressor Unit

  •  Disc valves 
  •  Motor starter included 
  •  Gasket-less design 
  •  Intercoolers 
  •  Loadless starting 
  • Specs: 
  •  Weight: 525 lbs. 
  •  3-year limited warranty 
  •  17.3 CFM at 175 psi 
  •  L: 35.3” – W: 32.5” – H: 77.4” 

Price: $3,046 


The pros at Air Power Equipment Co. Are happy to help you answer these questions. Then, we’ll work with you to determine which air compressor we offer is best for your situation. We offer dozens of air compressors of all kinds, including electric-powered, gas-powered, small, larger, and more.

Give us a call and schedule a free estimate today.

Air Power Equipment Company in Oklahoma City (OKC), is the leading source for new air compressor sales and used air compressor sales throughout the country. We specialize in rotary screw air compressor sales and reciprocal air compressor sales. Air Power Equipment Company is also the best source for air compressor service and air compressor parts in Oklahoma.  If you are looking for new air compressors, used air compressors, air compressor parts, or air compressor service call Air Power Equipment Company OKC. We are experts with all brands of air compressor equipment and we are a stocking distributor of air compressor brands like FS Curtis Air Compressors, Champion Air Compressors, Campbell Hausfeld Air Compressors, Kellogg Air Compressors, American Air Compressors, Quincy Compressor, and many more. Call us at (405) 445-1216 we have what you need, and at the best prices, you will find.

What is the best Industrial Air compressor in 2022?

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What is the best Industrial Air compressor in 2022 blog.

An Industrial Air compressor is one of the most important things you have to consider in any industry you are working in. For example, air compressors suck in air, decrease its volume, and give it high pressure. The compressed air then moves to a storage tank or is released for different applications like providing air-fueled power to tools like cleaning systems and machinery. 




What Are The Types Of Air Compressors Used In Industry?

Industrial air compressors are essential equipment in construction, mining, agriculture, and manufacturing. When buying an air compressor, you have to ensure that it is energy efficient, high quality, and has high pressure. 

Different brands in the market sell different types of industrial air compressors. However, the main categories of air compressors you can choose from are:

Rotary screwThis is an image of the inside of a rotary compressor

These are the most common types of air compressors in the market. They generate energy using two internal rotors that rotate in opposite directions. As a result, the air gets trapped between the two rotors, building up pressure within the air compressor’s housing. 

In most designs of these air compressors, the rotors operate in an oil bath. That helps reduce wear and tear and also ensures a good seal. 

You can choose a single-stage or two-stage air compressor. The single-stage rotary air compressors have one set of rotors in one stator housing. The two-stage air compressor has two sets of coordinated rotors in either a standard stator housing or separate stator housings. 

These are some of the most accessible air compressors to maintain because they come with an internal cooling system. The cooling system makes it perfect for continuous use. 

Rotary screw air compressors produce the most airflow per horsepower compared to other air compressors. However, they come in different power ranges, from 5-350 horsepower. Smaller air compressors are usually belt-driven, while the bigger and more powerful ones are direct-driven. 

Rotary screw air compressors can run at 100% duty cycle, and they operate quieter than other types of air compressors. You can either lubricate these air compressors with oil or have them running oil-free. 


  • Require low maintenance
  • Operate quietly
  • Have a high airflow
  • You can operate them continuously
  • Low initial cost
  • They are compact and lightweight
  • High volumetric efficiency


  • Not flexible in terms of compression ratio and capacity
  • Low discharge pressure per stage

ReciprocatingThis is an image of a Reciprocating Air compressor.

These types of air compressors operate through a piston found inside a cylinder. The piston is the one that compresses and displaces air, building pressure within the housing. As the piston moves down, it sucks in air, prompting the intake valve to close. 

As the piston moves back up, it compresses the air and builds pressure. Because of that, the air released by this type of air compressor has pulses in the pressure, which could result in variable speed and performance issues. 

To help deal with that problem, the air produced by this type of air compressor is distributed from a reservoir. Unlike rotary screw air compressors, these are compressors designed to work in smaller sites, and they are not meant to work continuously. 

They have more moving parts than rotary crew air compressors, and all these parts are oil lubricated for better movement. This means that reciprocating air compressors need more maintenance and are louder than rotary screw air compressors. 

Reciprocating compressors come in single-stage or multi-stage air compressors, determining the pressure you will get. If you want more significant power, the multi-stage air compressors are better than the single-phase models. 

They are perfect for intense projects like auto assembly. They can produce up to 30 horsepower. On the other hand, single-stage compressors are perfect for small projects like metalworking and woodworking. 


  • You can choose either an oil-lubricated or oil-free variety
  • Produces high pressure
  • More energy efficient


  • Only perfect for small projects
  • They do not run continuously
  • They cannot self-regulate capacity against provided output pressure
  • High operation noise and vibration
  • They require more maintenance


Axial air compressors have a similar design to jet engines. They draw in the air using fan blades, after which successive blade rings compress it. This design makes them produce high amounts of compressed air, but it is only suitable for high-volume industrial applications. 

They are more significant than most other industrial air compressors and more expensive, so they are hardly used in construction projects. 


  • Have high-speed capability and efficiency


  • High initial and running cost
  • It has a narrow application range
  • Its components are more delicate than other types of air compressors

CentrifugalThis is a picture of the fan component in a Centrifugal Air compressor

These air compressors use a ring of rotating fan blades to suck in air and funnel it through the unit at 90 degrees. The air is compressed as it leaves the housing around the blades. 

The design of these air compressors makes them produce more compressed air in a small space, making them perfect for high-volume industrial applications like steel manufacturing. These compressors can reach up to 1,000 horsepower. 

However, they cannot handle fluctuating air demands. They are also more expensive and require more maintenance than other air compressors. 


  • Suitable for producing continuous compressed air
  • Generates high-pressure ratio
  • High flow rate


How Do I Know What Size Industrial Air Compressor To Buy?This is an infographic about the pros and cons of the best industrial air compressors of 2022.

Choosing the wrong sized compressor could lead to operational issues and power waste. You need to ensure that your compressor is the right size, and you also need to consider the tank size to store the right amount of air. Some of the things you need to consider to know the perfect air compressor size you need include: 

  • What you need the air for.
  • The amount of pressure you need.
  • Your duty cycle means the amount of time your compressor needs to give consistent high pressure and airflow.

How To Care For My Industrial Air Compressor

Taking good care of your compressor ensures that you always have the proper pressure and last long. Some of the things to do to care for your air compressor properly include: 

  • Tighten the bolts and nuts
  • Clean intake valves
  • Change the air filter often
  • Inspect the hoses regularly
  • Drain condensate from the compressor tanks
  • Clean the fuel tank
  • Change the air/oil separator
  • Change the oil often

Where Can I Buy An Industrial Air Compressor?

Where you choose to buy your compressor will determine the quality and performance of your air compressor. Air Power Equipment Co. is the best place to shop for high-quality industrial air compressors in Oklahoma. 

Different types and sizes of air compressors are designed to fit your industrial needs. Having been in the market for over four decades, you are guaranteed the best service and products. You also get a warranty for all the products you purchase. For Air Compressor Safety comply with OSHA regulations.

Air Power Equipment Company in Oklahoma City (OKC), is the leading source for new air compressor sales and used air compressor sales throughout the country. We specialize in rotary screw air compressor sales and reciprocal air compressor sales. Air Power Equipment Company is also the best source for air compressor service and air compressor parts in Oklahoma.  If you are looking for new air compressors, used air compressors, air compressor parts, or air compressor service call Air Power Equipment Company OKC. We are experts with all brands of air compressor equipment and we are a stocking distributor of air compressor brands like FS Curtis Air Compressors, Champion Air Compressors, Campbell Hausfeld Air Compressors, Kellogg Air Compressors, American Air Compressors, Quincy Compressor and many more. Call us at (405) 445-1216 – we have what you need, and at the best price you will find.

Why Does my Air Compressor Need an Air Dryer? 

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This is the featured image for the article Why Does my Air Compressor Need an Air Dryer? 

Air compressors are helpful machines that power tools and appliances around the business and home. When regularly using an air compressor, an air dryer can help remove the water constantly being created by the compressed air. Utilizing a thorough drying system like an air dryer can prolong the life of the air compressor and minimize future costs. Learn more about air dryers and why they’re necessary for every air compressor. 

How do I choose an air dryer for my air compressor?

The best air dryer option depends on the use of the air compressor. When looking for a compressed air dryer, make sure to take note of the maximum amount of pressure and capacity or liters per second of air. Cost is also important in yearly energy needs and hidden costs that you may not realize at the time of purchase. 

It’s important not to compromise when determining the best tool for the job. Have an understanding of how the air dryer regenerates and the increased costs associated with that process. An air dryer will keep an air compressor safely functioning without rust or damage. Any costs cut by purchasing a cheaper air dryer can double or triple when replacing the whole compressor. 

What are the different types of air dryers?

The three most common air dryers are refrigerated, desiccant, and deliquescent.This image is of a refrigerated air dryer for a compressor

A refrigerated air dryer can be used in compressors that do not require special requirements like a lower dew point. Refrigerated air dryers are the standard option for most air compressors. They are easy to install without much worry for consistent maintenance. This type of dryer will take in warm, wet air and use refrigerant and an evaporator to cool it down to three degrees Celsius. This average dew point works for most compressors. The water condenses, then is removed from the compressor before the air is reheated back to room temperature and can be used for tools. 

Refrigerated compressed air dryers can be either cycling or non-cycling. 

  • A cycling air dryer will fluctuate the cooling capacity based on on-air usage, making it the most energy-efficient version.
  • The non-cycling type doesn’t fluctuate power and is the most common due to its reliability and minimal maintenance requirements. This is an infographic about the 3 most common air dryers for an air compressor.

A desiccant compressed air dryer uses a unique material to collect water. This water is dried out in the regeneration process so the compressor can reuse the material. This dryer uses desiccant, often inactivated alumina or silica gel, to collect water from the air. Two desiccant towers are used, while one constantly collects moisture, and the other dries out.

The regenerative process allows the desiccant to dry out the tower, not being utilized through dried compressed air or hot air. The hot air method will use a heater to pull air from the room and blow it over the desiccant. Suppose the dryer uses dried compressed air to dry the desiccant. In that case, less air is used by the compressor and, by extension, any tools or devices. Special dryers also use rotating drums to better utilize the air compressor’s heat for drying the desiccant. 

The desiccant compressed air dryer can have several hidden costs in the regeneration process. First, the pressure drop and the actual desiccant will need replacement after it wears down. 

A deliquescent compressed air dryer is the perfect option for significant drying needs. This dryer uses salt tablets inside a pressurized vessel that absorb water from the air. A brine solution forms as the moisture separates from the compressed air. Deliquescent air dryers don’t use electricity or moving parts and have low maintenance needs. They’re best in colder climates to remove water from pipes that may freeze. However, this type of dryer is not as efficient at suppressing or maintaining the dew point as the other two options. 

These air dryers can help remove moisture from an air compressor and keep it running safely.

Do I need an air dryer?

Every air compressor needs an air dryer to keep the machine running smoothly and without issues. All compressors create water that can be drained but remain an aerosol inside the machine. If this water is not separated, it can damage and corrode parts of the air compressor. To avoid further damage to tools and costly machinery, utilize an air dryer to remove the water you can’t easily spot.

Accumulated moisture can manifest in many ways in an air compressor. Pipes may begin to rust, water will come out of hoses, and air tools can begin to display water spots. Many compressor manufacturers specify that the machine needs frequent dry air to remove water and keep it running smoothly. It’s essential to purchase and install an air dryer before moisture accumulation negatively affects the compressor. 

How do you get the moisture out of your air compressor?

Businesses and homeowners have many options when removing from their air compressors. You can drain the tank to remove created liquid from the machine. A compressor can also use a piping system for air drying. The storage tank cooling method and absorption drying are also excellent choices. There are many physical ways to remove liquid and vapor from an air compressor before it starts to cause damages. 

An air dryer for an air compressor is one of the best options. Many require little maintenance and ensure water is removed constantly from the air. However, it’s essential to address the liquids accumulating in the machine and the aerosol or vapor that is not easily seen. Take the time to research the best air dryer options for specific environments and compressors. There are many options to ensure a compressor isn’t being corroded or damaged by excessive water in the machine. Visit our Air Power Equipment OKC website and help extend the life of your air compressor.


Air Power Equipment Company in Oklahoma City (OKC), is the leading source for new air compressor sales and used air compressor sales throughout the country. We specialize in rotary screw air compressor sales and reciprocal air compressor sales. Air Power Equipment Company is also the best source for air compressor service and air compressor parts in Oklahoma.  If you are looking for new air compressors, used air compressors, air compressor parts, or air compressor service call Air Power Equipment Company OKC. We are experts with all brands of air compressor equipment and we are a stocking distributor of air compressor brands like FS Curtis Air Compressors, Champion Air Compressors, Campbell Hausfeld Air Compressors, Kellogg Air Compressors, American Air Compressors, Quincy Compressor and many more. Call us at (405) 445-1216 – we have what you need, and at the best price you will find.

Champion Air Compressors and What You Need to Know Before Buying?

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5 Things to Know Before Buying a Champion Air Compressor

If you are in the market for a new air compressor, knowing what type of machine will best suit your needs is essential. Air compressors come in two types: single-stage and two-stage machines. Single-stage machines have higher pressure ratings, but they cannot produce a continuous airflow at low pressures. Two-stage models can do both jobs well – high pressure and low pressure pumping – but require more energy input than a single-stage unit.



  1. Is Champion A Good Air Compressor?
  2. Where Are Champion Air Compressors Made?
  3. What Size Air Compressor Do I Need?
  4. What’s Different About Champion Air Compressors?
  5. Can Champion Air Compressors Operate In Different Conditions?

champion air compressor buy online from APEC

1.) Is Champion A Good Air Compressor?

Champion compressors are best for people who need high pressure and low volume air. Champion single-stage machines produce up to 150 psi of pressure at a flow rate of 2.2 CFM (cubic feet per minute). Champion two-stage models produce up to 175 psi and 3.3 CFM at 40 psi. Champion has been in business making air compressors since the 1930s and is a major manufacturer of air compressors. Champion 2-stage models are Energy Star rated. Champion machines feature one-piece cast iron cylinders with forged steel crankshafts. Stainless steel valves and precision machined pistons improve durability while reducing noise levels. Champion two-stage units have a guaranteed automatic shut-off pressure switch that will not allow motor or pump damage. Champion also has an oil-free compressor pump for easy maintenance and a low voltage start-up to save energy costs. Champion is located in Cleveland, Ohio, and has over 10,000 service centers throughout the US.

2.) Where Are Champion Air Compressors Made?

Champion compressors get manufactured in the United States. Champion has been making air compressors since the 1930s, and all Champion machines consist of American parts at their manufacturing facility located in Cleveland, Ohio. Champion uses some of the highest quality materials available for their machines. Champion’s cast-iron cylinders, forged steel crankshafts, high-speed precision machined pistons, and babbitt bearings are just a few of Champion’s high-quality components. In addition, Champion’s 1-piece cast cylinder means that the piston will never come in contact with water or dirt while down in the cylinder, further increasing pump life. Champion compressor pumps have got tested to over 200,000 hours of use before needing to be replaced. Champion air compressors are available at distributors throughout the United States, and Champion can even offer worldwide shipping on select models.

3.) What Size Air Compressor Do I Need?

Champions are available in a wide range of capacities. Champion single-stage units start with 1/4 horsepower and go up to ¾ horsepower. Champion two-stage models go from ½ the size of a single-stage unit down to 5/8 horsepower. Champion can custom make machines for customers, although this is something Champion rarely has to do.

Champion machines come in several different tank sizes:

  • 5 gallons (18.9 liters)
  • 9 gallons (34.1 liters)
  • 15 gallons (56.8 liters)

These compressors are available with either oil-lubricated or oil-free pumps, depending on the needs of the customer and application requirements. Champion oil-free pumps are much easier to maintain and require virtually no maintenance. Champion machines also come with a full range of pressure switches and control valves to ensure that Champion customers get what they need out of their air compressor.

4.) What’s Different About Champion Air Compressors?

Champion compressors have many features that set them apart from other air compressor manufacturers. Champion pump pistons are high-speed precision machined to reduce noise levels, while Champion’s one-piece cast cylinder reduces downtime by eliminating the possibility of fluid leaks. Champion machine control valves and switches get provided separately to ensure that Champion customers are getting what they need. They are available with Champion’s oil-lubricated pump or Champion’s new line of low maintenance, low noise oil-free pumps. Champion machines are available in various sizes, from small single-stage units up to high-capacity two-stage models. Champion also offers worldwide shipping on Champion compressor models. Champion also has an extensive line of accessories available for these air compressors, including tanks, valves, foot panels, and more.

5.) Can Champion Air Compressors Operate In Different Conditions?

Champion machines have got designed for a wide range of applications. Champion single-stage units can be installed in an area as small as 16 square feet (1.5 square meters), while Champion’s larger two-stage models are still able to fit into an installation space as small as 24 square feet (2.3 square meters). Champion oil-free pumps do not require an oil supply. Champion’s precision-machined pistons reduce noise and vibrations so that one of our technicians can install these machines almost anywhere. We can also install Champion machines in places where dust or dirt is a problem, as Champion oil-free pumps create no mess. Champion manufactures their sheet metal parts for their tanks to ensure that Champion machines can handle even the most challenging conditions.


Buy a Champion Compressor from APEC. Champion compressors are some of the best air compressors in the world. Champion uses only the highest quality components to manufacture Champion’s cast cylinder assemblies. Champion’s new line of oil-free pumps does not require any oil supply, while Champion precision machined pistons reduce noise and vibrations. Champion air compressor tanks consist out of sheet metal, and these compressor tanks are available in a wide range of sizes. Champion also has an extensive line of accessories available for Champion compressors, including Champion’s sheet metal tanks, foot panels, control valves, pressure switches, and more. Champion provides worldwide shipping on Champion compressors as well.

Air compressor isn’t turning on?

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Do you have an air compressor that isn’t turning on? Are you wondering what you should do? You might consider giving up, but there are a few things that you can try before throwing in the towel and calling for professional help. If your air compressor doesn’t seem to be getting any power, make sure it’s plugged into an outlet with power and check if it has blown a circuit breaker or tripped a GFCI breaker. If none of these items seem to apply, then chances are your motor burned out.





How Do You Reset An Air Compressor?

Air compressors are used to power tools such as nail guns and spray paint. They are often in use for long periods, which can cause them to overheat if not turned off correctly. If you find that your air compressor isn’t turning on, the compressor motor is overheating, or isn’t keeping up with the job; it may be time for a reset.

 Resetting an air compressor is a quick and relatively easy task that will allow the unit to cool down before getting back into action. However, it’s important to note that compressors aren’t designed for continuous use and should not run longer than they need to complete your project.

 To reset an air compressor, you need to follow a few simple steps.

  1. First, you need to find the reset button on your air compressor. If there is no power going to it when it shuts off, you will need to plug it in to allow it to run until the power shuts off. When you hear the compressor start back up, push the reset button. The power light on your air compressor will go out. You can then turn it back on, and you should reset the system.
  2. If you are using an air compressor powered by an extension cord, you can unplug and plug it back in to reset the connection. This process will also work if the power light on your compressor is not going out when you push the reset button.
  3. If neither of these resolutions works, the problem is most likely with your system’s power supply. The cause of this problem is a dirty air filter, which you will need to replace if this is the case. Additionally, an overheated motor can be a problem, and you should replace it.

How Do You Fix An Air Compressor That Won’t Start?

 If you have a small project that requires an air compressor, the chances are that the first step is to check if it’s turned on. If there isn’t a power switch or a button available to turn on your machine, it may mean something is wrong with its electrical system, and you should check this before anything else. On the other hand, when you turn on the machine, it’s time to check if any loose connections or faulty air power equipment parts may prevent your air compressor from working.

 You should check to make sure that it is receiving power. If not, you will need to repair or replace the compressor’s electrical wiring and the circuit breaker. If it is receiving power, then check to see if there are any loose wires or connections. This problem may be a sign of a bad starter switch or a blown fuse. If there are no issues with the compressor’s electrical components, then it is likely that you will need to replace the starter switch.

 Different issues will require different fixations; the main thing is determining the root cause of the issue. For example, if you lack air pressure or power, your motor coil likely needs to be replaced. The compressor itself may also need replacing if there are issues with the tank and valves; however, these can sometimes require high levels of expertise.

 Before investigating any further problems, turn off the machine before checking for leaks and discharging any pressure remaining in the tank. Your local hardware store will be able to provide you with information on any further requirements needed for your compressor, such as air compressor replacement parts or repairs that are outside of your capabilities.

[5 Things to Do With an Old  Air Compressor]

What Is The Most Common Cause Of An Air Compressor Not Turning On?

Infographic how to reset your air compressor if your air compressor is not turning on. The common cause of an air compressor not working is a drain valve not being closed. If the drain valve is left open, compressed air will flow out of it instead of into the tank, which causes the compressor to shut off. You may resolve this by checking for a clog in the line or opening and closing the drain valve until it starts to work.

 Another common cause of an air compressor not turning on is a blown-fuse or tripped circuit breaker. Resolve this by checking the circuit breaker to ensure it is not tripped and by checking the fuse box.

 Sometimes, an air compressor will stop working due to its overheating: ensuring that the compressor has proper ventilation and is not in an enclosed space.

Another potential cause of an air compressor not turning on is a power outage. Fix this by checking the circuit breaker to ensure it is on and working correctly and checking the fuse box.

 An air compressor may also not turn on if it is out of oil or has low oil levels. Resolve this by adding oil and taking the air compressor in for service to ensure no internal damage.


What Is The Condition Of Your Air Compressor?

 Most people are guilty of not being up to date with the condition of their air compressor. You should be checking your air compressor at least three times a year to ensure that everything is working correctly. If you go too long without checking on the condition of your air compressor, you could be facing some pretty big problems.

 You must invest in a high-quality air compressor to avoid doing too much maintenance. The first thing you should check is the click sound that your compressor makes, which will indicate if it has gone wrong. If you notice that your click sound is not as loud, it’s time to check the tank pressure, which can be done by simply reading the tank pressure gauge. The tank pressure should remain between 100 and 125 lbs to ensure that you are getting good airflow.

 The starting capacitors will typically need replacement every five years. You must check for any loose wires or motor mounts to ensure the motor stays secure in place. You will need to test the motor every year to determine if it is still running well or needs replacement. Take note of when the motor starts if there is any unusual sound coming from it.

 The location of the uploader valve or pressure valve is on or near the compressor pump. The unloader’s job is to reduce the high-pressure (up to 150 PSI) air coming from the tank. The unloader valve has a small pilot line to an “oil separator,” a collection of baffles that separate oil from the air. Keeping the separator clean is essential because it can cause the compressor’s motor to run dry if it gets clogged.

 Bear in mind that compressed air systems are very complex and require a trained professional to work on them. Therefore, if you notice problems with your air compressor, be sure to contact an experienced technician for service.

Quality Air Compressor Parts in Oklahoma City

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Choosing Innovative Parts That Can Improve the Performance of an Air Compressor

Before you choose an air compressor, you could evaluate industrial air compressors that feature large tanks, efficient pumps, innovative starters, and durable filters. You may select an air compressor that contains a cutting-edge motor, and many motors can consistently generate 7.5 horsepower. Some Air Compressor Parts in Oklahoma City also features components that may reduce vibrations, minimize the noise and stabilize multiple parts. Additionally, many manufacturers can provide a warranty that will protect the air compressors for three years, and once you contact our business, the helpful representatives can describe the terms of each warranty.

What Are Air Compressor Parts in Oklahoma City?

When you examine an air compressor, you can inspect the starter, the pump, the tank, the discharge tube, and several types of valves. You may also evaluate the safety valve, and this component can quickly reduce the pressure level within the air compressor. The device may also feature a durable belt that is made of rubber. After the motor starts, the engine will consistently move the belt, and the component will rotate the pulleys situated within the air compressor.

Most air compressors contain three parts that can improve the performance of each device. The product features a motor, a primary pump, and a receiver. The motor will power the entire air compressor, and the pump can pressurize the air located within the tank. Once you utilize the device, the pump could push the air through the main tube.

Typically, the receiver can store extra air that is situated within the device. As a result, the receiver may significantly increase the efficiency of the air compressor, and the pump could automatically remove the air from the receiver.

Can the Industrial Air Compressors Utilize Universal Attachments?

Most air compressors are compatible with universal hoses, and once you purchase a multipurpose hose, you can easily attach the device to the air compressor. In addition, you can buy universal fittings, several types of couplings, and numerous valves. The fittings may consistently prevent leaks, maintain the internal pressure, and improve the air compressor’s performance. Generally, a customer can easily install the fittings, the couplings, and the valves, and many manufacturers also provide detailed instructions that could help you utilize the products.

Can Technicians Rebuild a Pump?

If the pump malfunctions, you may rebuild the pump, and you can purchase a helpful kit that could allow you to repair the pump. You may replace multiple seals that can increase the pump’s efficiency, or you could install a valve plate that will protect several types of valves. After you reconstruct the pump, you can frequently test the pump, and while you are utilizing the air compressor, you may evaluate the flow of air, the level of pressure, and the motor’s efficiency.

How Does the Air Compressor Function?

The air compressor can consistently push air into the main tank, and subsequently, the device will pressurize the air. Once you utilize the machine, the pressurized air will flow through a durable tube. The device also features a safety valve that can release some of the air. Suppose the tank contains an excessive amount of air. In that case, the safety valve can automatically reduce the pressure, and consequently, the innovative component will prevent damage, improve the efficiency of the air compressor and modulate the level of pressure.

After you select an air compressor, you may also purchase industrial air dryers, and these products could significantly reduce the level of humidity within an air compressor. The innovative devices can quickly extract the extra moisture from the air, and some products could considerably decrease the temperature of the air. Moreover, the machines feature cutting-edge components that could consistently reduce energy costs.

Are Air Compressor Parts in Oklahoma City Interchangeable?

Many companies manufacture parts that are not interchangeable, and once an air compressor malfunctions, you should choose components that are compatible with specific air compressors. Fortunately, you may find several interchangeable components. Usually, a customer can attach filters to multiple air compressors, and certain valves are compatible with several air compressors.

Where Can You Find Excellent Air Compressor Parts in Oklahoma City?

If you are searching for new parts, you should visit our company’s website, and you may evaluate electric motors, new pumps, control switches, industrial air dryers, and multiple valves. Our business also sells comprehensive kits that could allow you to repair many components. Additionally, our company provides cutting-edge air compressors that utilize electricity, and we also sell air compressors that require gas.

Once you browse our website, you may submit our contact form, or you could call 405-445-1216. The experienced representatives can recommend multiple parts, answer your questions, evaluate your needs and describe several types of warranties.

How to Find and Fix Compressed Air Leaks

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How to Find and Fix Compressed Air Leaks header

Compressed Air Leaks

It is pretty common for compressed air systems to develop leaks. Leaks result in wasted energy, and if not fixed on time, they can be detrimental to both the system and its output. Therefore, despite being costly, any leak detected should be fixed at the soonest time possible.

However, most people do not even know how to detect leaks. For this reason, this article will compile the different ways of detecting leaks in compressed air systems. Some of the leak detection methods outlined in the article include:
• Listening and using hands
• Using soapy water
• Candle flame test
• Using an ultrasonic acoustic detector

Besides, the article will include some of the best ways to fix these leaks and avoid them in the future.

How to Detect Leaks in Compressed Air Systemscompressed air leaks graphic

Different methods can be applied to detect leaks, depending on the equipment used. Better still, a qualified air technician will undoubtedly assist in detecting and diagnosing the leaks without purchasing any equipment. However, below are some of the ways that can be applied to detect leaks.
Listening and Using Hands

Being attentive to the compressed air system is an excellent way of determining if leaks are present. An audible hissing sound that comes from the system indicates a strong possibility of a leak. However, this might be hindered by when the surrounding a too loud. Thus, using this method requires all the loud operations to halt first.

Similarly, using hands can be used to detect leaks where the hissing sound is barely audible. The method works almost the same way as listening. By moving the hands around a compressed air system, one can capture any leak through the feel of the hands.

Using Soapy Water

Using soapy water to detect compressed air leaks is much effective than listening and using hands. Soapy water is applied to the system, and soap bubbles develop in the presence of a leak. However, this method is time-consuming as the detector has to work on the entire system.

Another downside of this approach is that there is limited information concerning the leaks’ relative volumes. Thus, deciding on the most detrimental leaks can be pretty challenging.

Using a Candle Flame Test

This method is most effective when detecting small volumes of leaks. For example, a lit candle can be placed in different locations of the system. If the light goes off or tends to dance at a certain location, the locations may be leaking. However, like using soapy water, the method consumes a lot of time to access the entire system.

Using an Ultrasonic Leak Detector

Ultrasonic leak detection is the best and most effective method of detecting compressed air leaks. Besides detecting leaks, the method also indicates the significance of the various leaks. Thus it is easy to prioritize which leak to address first.

The method uses an ultrasonic acoustic detector to recognize sounds of high frequency, usually associated with leaks. These sounds are detected using directional microphones, amplifiers, and audio filters. Sometimes video indicators are also used. The method is much convenient as factors like noise pollution do not hinder it. Thus the system’s operations do not have to halt.

When running this test, the system’s valves must be on so that pressure flows inside, thus making it easy to detect any possible leak. However, despite being relatively efficient and effective, this method is expensive as the ultrasonic detectors must be present.

How an Ultrasonic Acoustic Detector Works

Generally, flowing compressed air moves in a laminar flow. That is, the air particles streamline in the same and parallel direction. However, in case of a leak, the laminar flow changes to a turbulent flow, with the air moving irregularly.

The turbulent flow creates a unique type of noise that can be detected using an ultrasonic detector. The detector is either connected to headphones to detect when the leak is present. Also, the detector can include a screen that displays the ultrasonic waves. These waves change as the sound gets louder.

These detectors have audio filters to filter away any background noise to concentrate on the required type of noise significantly. Thus, it is effective even in noisy environments.

How to Fix the Detected Leaks

After detecting a leak, the next step to take is fixing it. Before fixing, tags should be placed on the leaking areas for easy repair. Various sizes of leaks require to be addressed in different priorities, starting with the big ones. Also, the leak’s complexity determines the type of repair to be used.

Most of the common leaks are present at joints and inter-connections. All that is needed is tightening these connections, and the leaks will cease. Sometimes, an air compressor leak repair may require a replacement to the entire system of severe leaks.

Some faulty equipment associated with air leaks are fittings, couplings, pipe sections, joints, drains, and hoses. However, replacing the faulty equipment is challenging to DIY. Thus, it requires professional assistance.

How to Develop a Leak Prevention Programair compressor leak repair graphic

After an air compressor leak repair, the most crucial step to take is developing an effective leak program to prevent and address future leaks. A good and productive program should have leak identification and tagging, tracking, repairing, and verifying.

A productive leak reduction and prevention program are important for maximizing the output of a compressed air system. In addition, the program helps maintain the stability, efficiency, reliability, and cost-effectiveness of any system that uses compressed air.
Tips for Reducing Compressed Air Leaks in Future

• Using high-quality disconnects, tubes, and fittings
• Proper application of the thread sealant
• Isolating any non-operating equipment using a valve
• Lowering the system’s air pressure to decrease the flow rate
• Adjusting the compressor control accordingly after repairing to optimize energy saving

It is very common to have problems such as air leaks in compressed air systems. However, detecting and fixing these leaks is much easy. Therefore, it is essential to check for leaks in the compressed systems and fix them promptly to avoid the losses from racking up.

Air Power Equipment Company in Oklahoma City (OKC), is the leading source for new air compressor sales and used air compressor sales throughout the country. We specialize in rotary screw air compressor sales and reciprocal air compressor sales. Air Power Equipment Company is also the best source for air compressor service and air compressor parts in Oklahoma.  If you are looking for new air compressors, used air compressors, air compressor parts, or air compressor service call Air Power Equipment Company OKC. We are experts with all brands of air compressor equipment and we are a stocking distributor of air compressor brands like FS Curtis Air Compressors, Champion Air Compressors, Campbell Hausfeld Air Compressors, Kellogg Air Compressors, American Air Compressors, Quincy Compressor and many more. Call us at (405) 445-1216 – we have what you need, and at the best price you will find.